
Average score 219 Reviews
Yoann Achir noted on Google

1 year ago
Ludovic Lecomte noted on Google

(Translated by Google) I have walked past this restaurant thousands of times without entering. And the other time, when the tasty Kokonor, located just opposite, was closed, I tested. And there, revelation: it is very good, plentiful and the prices are correct. Besides, they call you "Mr. President", what more could you ask for? I will go back thousands of times! (Original) Je suis passé des milliers de fois devant ce restaurant sans y entrer. Et l’autre fois, alors que le savoureux Kokonor, situé juste en face, était fermé, j’ai testé. Et là, révélation : c’est très bon, copieux et les prix sont corrects. En outre, on vous y appelle « monsieur le Président », que demander de plus ? J’y retournerai des milliers de fois !

1 year ago
kitiwan Wattanajaroenrung noted on Google

Good 👍 the owners are friendly and the food are cheaper and delicious. I ordered a set menu and I got rice, main dish,hot drink, soup and dessert. I tried many asian restaurants in Paris and I found this one is good and worth the money. I recommend this one.

1 year ago
Diane Acharian noted on Google

1 year ago
Bubble Gum noted on Google

(Translated by Google) Very good place with friends or colleagues. I frequent this place often, the price quality is reasonable and the service is spot on!!! (Original) Très bon endroit entre amis ou collègues. Je fréquente ce lieux souvent, la qualité prix est raisonnable et le service est nickel !!!

1 year ago
Jerome Orquin noted on Google

(Translated by Google) Very good value for a restaurant in this area Fast service and fresh products (Original) Très bon rapport qualité-prix pour un restaurant dans ce quartier Service rapide et produits frais

1 year ago
Gendalf Seriy noted on Google

1 year ago
Babylolikitty noted on Google

1 year ago
Axel Rives noted on Google

(Translated by Google) Top, dishes and delicious municipal water (Original) Top, des plats et une eau municipale délicieuse

1 year ago
Daf Junior 4 noted on Google

We ordered the lunch menus. Great food, large portions, kind service.

1 year ago

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